"Believe that you are here for a reason and that you will change the world."
This is when I began to think of all the times I doubted myself. All the times I told myself I wasn't good enough. All the times that I thought no body cared. All the times I thought I was just in peoples way. My mind was filled with thoughts of inadequacy, and the thoughts I had simply placed as facts in my brain. In reality, I had not placed myself behind a cage, but had completely buried myself in a hole. I thought there was no way I could change one person, let alone the world! I thought that I was here... I knew there was more to that but at the time it seemed I was just wandering through life. This hole I had dug had entrapped me in my own self delusions where I thought my average self was all I would ever amount to and I didn't need to try to be anything more.Ever felt this way?
Ever looked at how people influenced others and wondered how they do it?
That's right, you reading this, you have the potential to change the world! Granted, you may not solve world hunger, or figure out how to create world peace- but that is not all this world needs. Each person is a part of this world and you have the opportunity to help them and change them- starting with YOU. Just by striving each and every day to be a better person changes the world. It helps you better understand your reason for being here. I can think of hundreds of people who have helped me realize both of those things. They have changed my world, and just thinking about it makes me want to help others change theirs. So, to all you sitting in complacency, get out of your stupid cage. You were sent where you are for a reason. Someone or something is waiting for you- and when you begin to recognize that, you WILL change the world.
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